Category: World

Failed Jubilee; Daughter of Holocaust Survivor Deported, But Is Israel Just For Jews?

“If you are Christ’s, you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise (of land), Galatians 3:29 The Jewish right to Jerusalem is soon to be revoked, based on Jewish prophets Daniel and Zechariah. Millions of Jews were wondering if 2017 would be a jubilee echo of the Balfour Declaration in 1917 and the

Authors Knows What to Expect When Hurricane Harvey Moves on And Recovery Process Begins

“I learned how much I didn’t know about how volunteers swarm in like a team of busy bees to help distressed folks overcome unbearable challenges. I soon realized those on the receiving side or giving side of the story need to know,” says Haueisen. Authors Kathy Haueisen and Carol Flores have personal and professional experience

Award-winning Historic novelist, David Tannenbaum’s Out of the Depths addresses Survivor’s Guilt

“It is moving and surprising,” said Bairnsfather. “I don’t often come upon fiction that speaks deeply into the psychological experience after the war and into the struggle to live what I think of as a “normal life.” Summary: Author David Tannenbaum tackles the Holocaust where his featured character is torn by all he has seen